Empathetic Approach to Customer Care


An Empathetic Approach to Customer Care for Insurance Companies

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Transformation for Insurers with Conversational AI

The insurance industry is at the brink of a major transformation. Customers are more connected than ever and want control over all touchpoints with their provider. Preferences have shifted towards higher rates of self-service and customers are embracing digital channels. Market disruptors have raised the bar by implementing fully digital business models that create an efficient and satisfying customer experience. Customers are realizing now more than ever that they can turn to digital channels to complete a variety of transactions with more ease. This trend will only be amplified as time passes.


This whitepaper addresses challenges specific to the insurance industry and presents a disruptive, and proven approach to improving customer engagement while reducing operational costs. Interactions Intelligent Virtual Assistants for Insurance, powered by Conversational AI, are transforming the insurance arena forever.

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