Blog > Intelligent Virtual Assistant

Intelligent Virtual Assistant

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Is an IVA the Superhero You’ve Been Looking For?

Unlike other automated customer care solutions, Intelligent Virtual Assistants are designed to improve the customer experience while still decreasing operational costs for your organizations. What makes them so unique?
Interactions January 10, 2018 | 0 min read
IVA 2018 Banner

What can we expect from IVAs in 2018?

There’s no doubt that 2017 was an exciting year for Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) and artificial intelligence. We conducted research showing that consumers’ comfort with automated technology is increasing, and most are willing to try out new methods for resolving customer service issues.
Interactions January 3, 2018 | 4 min read
IVA TechTalk

[Video]: What is an Intelligent Virtual Assistant?

You may have heard the term ‘Intelligent Virtual Assistant’ used more frequently recently — in articles about speech technology, artificial intelligence, and a broad range of other topics.
Interactions December 27, 2017 | 1 min read
IVAs and Loyalty Banner

How IVAs Can Benefit Your Customers

In an age where technology is constantly improving consumers’ daily lives, companies are also ready for a tech helper. However, the personal virtual assistants that the public knows and loves – Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri – are not in line with what the business sector requires. The answer to business-to-consumer needs? Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs).
Interactions December 6, 2017 | 3 min read
IVA Trends Banner

3 Trends You Can Expect to See from IVAs

Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) are typically used by enterprise businesses to effectively communicate with their customer base and provide highly functional self-service. With IVAs, customers receive both a personal and human experience. They can speak in their own words and be understood, regardless of accent and background noises, across all channels.
Interactions November 8, 2017 | 2 min read
State of Voice Authentication Banner

4 Things to Expect from Virtual Assistants in 2017

In 2016, we spent a lot of time talking about Intelligent Virtual Assistants: what they are, how they are used, what’s contributing to their increasing popularity, and the benefits they bring to customer care.
Interactions January 3, 2017 | 4 min read
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Why You Shouldn’t Let a Personal Virtual Assistant Represent Your Brand

With the rise of Personal Virtual Assistant offerings from Apple, Amazon, and Google, the fact is that these brands are increasingly becoming part of your customers’ lives. With a simple voice command, these AI-powered helpers provide on-demand information and productivity. And, when it comes to your customers, you have every reason to be jealous.
Interactions November 29, 2016 | 4 min read
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The Rise of Intelligent Virtual Assistants

I recently presented at SpeechTEK 2016 and was very encouraged by the enthusiasm and momentum surrounding our industry. It’s clear that Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have finally come of age.
Phil Gray
Phil Gray June 1, 2016 | 4 min read
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The Future of Automated Customer Care is a Bright One

Recently, I hosted a forward-thinking interactive session at Frost & Sullivan Customer Contact East titled “Automated Customer Care with a Human Touch.” Based on the findings from a recent study on consumers’ experiences with automated customer service interfaces, the session raised some interesting points about the current state of customer care.
Michael Roche
Michael Roche May 10, 2016 | 4 min read
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Putting the “I” in IVR with Virtual Assistants

There are countless reasons for calling customer service centers. Perhaps a phone line has static, or cable service is out, or a new customer needs help with WiFi (News – Alert) settings, or a scheduled appointment needs to be changed, or maybe Mom ordered the wrong size Halloween costume and needs to quickly exchange it.
Interactions October 23, 2014 | 2 min read

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